Belarussian Medical Academy Of Post-Graduate Education (BeLMAPO)

Belarussian Medical Academy Of Post-Graduate Education (BeLMAPO)


State Educational Establishment “Belarusian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education” is the successor of the Belarusian State Institute of Advanced Medical Training, organized in October 1931. Current and the time courses at medical schools and research institutes and major health facilities were a form of training and professional development of health care practitioners prior to the official opening of the Belarusian State Institute of Advanced Medical Training in Belarus.

First director of the Belarusian State Institute of Advanced Medical Training was Professor Khazanov Moisey Anisimovich (1931 – 1934), who worked as an assistant professor of the Department of Nervous Diseases and Deputy Director for Academic Affairs of the Belarusian Medical Institute. In November 1934, Associate Professor Dobruskin V.E. was approved to the post of Director. From 1938 to 1941, the Belarusian State Institute of Advanced Medical Training was headed by Nisenbaum I.M., who worked as assistant in the Department of epidemiology of Minsk Medical Institute and in other leadership positions.

During the Great Patriotic War the institute was not functioning, its property and records were destroyed and plundered by fascist invaders. Belarusian State Institute of Advanced Medical Training resumed its activities with the April 1, 1945. The first post-war director was Schulz F.Y. (1945-1946) – a prominent organizer of public health, in the pre-war years headed the Belarusian Medical Institute.

From 1946 to 1949 a surgeon Professor V.V. Babuk was a director of the Institute, he organized their own clinical bases of the institute. In July 1947, the Departments of Surgery, of Internal Medicine, of Obstetrics and Gynecology, of Tuberculosis were organized. Department of Nervous Diseases, Department of Hygiene and professorial course in orthopedics and reconstructive surgery started their functioning.

In 1949-1953 the Institute was headed by the surgeon, Professor V.O. Morzon. In 1953-1958 the Institute was headed by Zhukov M.N., MD, and Professor. From 1958 to 1960 Pavlov N.F. was appointed as rector of the institute (prior to 1950 he was a director of the Institute of leprosy in the city of Astrakhan). In the period from 1960 to 1966 the Institute was led by Savchenko N.E., MD, Professor, laureate of the State Prize of the USSR and the Byelorussian SSR, academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Byelorussian SSR.

In 1963, due to the increase in capacity at the Institute there were organized two faculties – therapeutic and surgical.

From 1966 to 1998 the Institute was headed by Rutskii A.V. – Doctor of Medicine, National Academy of Sciences of the Republic, Honored Scientist, laureate of the State Prize of the Republic of Belarus.

From 1998 to 2004 the Institute was headed by professor, corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus Mroczek A.G., and now – Director of RSPC “Cardiology”.

In June 2000, the status of the Belarusian State Institute of Advanced Medical Training has been changed into the Belarusian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education.

From 2004 to 2009 BelMAPGE was headed by Professor Khulup G.Y., who has made a significant contribution to the development of a modern system of medical postgraduate education in the Republic of Belarus. The main activities were Health Organization; scientific work in the field of stem cells; clinical laboratory diagnostics.

With his direct participation for the first time there were established the optimal conditions for the functioning of the Academy, a modern material and technical base, modern clinical base (11 RSPC, 10 Republican Clinical Hospital, 39 clinical urban hospitals) were organized and the scientific basis  Scientific Research Laboratory. For the first time in the Republic of Belarus there were established two new Faculties: Pediatrics and Dental; 15 new departments were opened in the system of postgraduate education; 75 well-known scientists, teachers and doctors were invited and arranged for the positions of the teaching staff .

In order to increase the availability of providing high quality medical care to the population of the Republic of Belarus for the first time the Professor state medical consulting centre was created.

From June 2009 to October 2014 Academy was headed by Demidchik Yury Evgenievich, member of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Doctor of Medical Sciences, and Professor.

Since October 2014 the Academy was headed by Doctor of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor Mikhail Alexandrovich Herasimenko.

The structure of BelMAPGE consists of 4 faculties, including 54 Departments: Surgery – 18 departments, Therapy- 15 departments, Pediatrics – 14 departments, Public health and health care – 7 departments.

BelMAPGE has extensive experience in clinical residency and postgraduate training of foreign nationals. Training is conducted on more than 50 medical specialties. International cooperation includes countries such as Russia, Tunisia, Yemen, Syria, Estonia, Iran, Jordan, Sweden, Nepal, Lebanon, Venezuela, Zambia, Libya, India and China.

Belarusian Medical Academy of Post-Graduate Education provides training on 77 medical specialties at 4 faculties Main activities

  • training and retraining of health professionals
  • training of highly qualified scientific personnel
  • training in clinical residency
  • carrying out scientific research in current areas of medical science
  • medical advising, treatment and diagnostic medical activities
  • Scientific-pedagogical staff is trained on the basis of the Central Scientific Research Laboratory, where there was created and accredited the center for collective use of unique scientific equipment.
  • Professor’s Medical Consulting Centre was opened at the Academy, which facilitates high-quality medical care to the population of the Republic of Belarus.
  • The interaction of our Academy with the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus, National Medical Academies of Post-Graduate Education from Moscow, Saint – Petersburg, Kiev, as well as Poland (Bialystok Medical Academy), Japan (Hiroshima University), Turkey (Ankara and Hacettepe Universities), Italy (Milan and Bologna Universities) reflects the international recognition of the authority of BelMAPO.


Dean GvozdNikolayGherasimovich

Up to 60-ies of XX century, the surgical management of the 4 departments and 5 courses of the Belarusian State Institute of Advanced Medical Training were carried out directly by administration. Faculty of Surgery of the Belarusian State Institute of Advanced Medical Training was founded in 1963. His first dean Associate Professor L.I. Aderikho (1963-1970) did a lot of work for the organization of the deanery and of its 10 departments and 5 surgical courses.

As Dean of the Faculty there worked Professor I.Z. Klyavzunik (1970-1980), Professor L.E. Kotovich (1980- 1989), Professor A.A. Gres (1989 – 1992), Professor E.A. Valchuk (1992-1998), Associate Professor V.N. Stasevich (1998-2003), Associate Professor V.L. Silyava (2003-2006), Associate Professor L.L. Mironov (2006-2012), S.G.Gusev (03.2012-12.2012 ). Currently the dean of faculty is DOCTOR OF MEDICAL SCIENCE, PhD, and Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation N.G.Gvozd.

The faculty consists of 15 departments, where 117 members of the teaching staff are employed, including 36 doctors of medical science and 79 persons have the degree of PhD. The head of the Department of Cardiac Surgery is Academician of NAS of Belarus, Professor Ostrovsky Y.P.

At the departments of the Faculty well-known scientists conduct training of doctors Belarus and of abroad: Professor, corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences, Ph.D. Demidchik Y.E., Professor, Doctor of Medical Science Y.P. Ostrovski, Professor, Ph.D. M.A.Herasimenka, Professor, Professor, corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences, Ph.D. A.V.Vorobey, Professor, Doctor of Medical Science N.I.Krutilina, Doctor of Medical Science I.I.Kanus, Professor, Doctor of Medical Science G.V. Ilyukevich, Professor, Doctor of Medical Science N.V.Zavada, Professor Doctor of Medical Science Yu.M.Gain, Professor, Doctor of Medical Science V.N.Podgaysky, Professor Doctor of Medical ScienceL.S.Yaskevich, Professor Doctor of Medical Science I.K.Lutskaya, Professor Doctor of Medical Science N.A.Yudina, Professor, Doctor of Medical Science L.G.Petrova, Professor Doctor of Medical Science I.M.Korol, Professor Doctor of Medical Science T.A.Imshenetskaya, Professor Doctor of Medical Science G. F Malinowski, Professor Doctor of Medical Science A.A.Gres, Doctor of Medical Science O.P.Kezlya, Professor, Doctor of Medical Science A.S.Artyushkevich, Professor, Doctor of Medical Science E.P.Merkulova, Professor, Doctor of Medical Science VL Krasilnikov, Doctor of Medical Science, Assistant Professor S.P.Rubnikovich. Every year at the Faculty at about 5,000 trainees improve their qualification and have retraining. 44 post-graduates students and 228 clinical residents are trained. At the departments specialists from Georgia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, and Middle East countries have their courses. In 2014, an assistant of the Department of Surgery OrlovskyYu.N and assistant of the Department of Plastic Surgery and CombustiologyChasnoitA.Ch, were awarded with Presidential scholarships. In 2015, an assistant professor of the Department of Therapeutic Dentistry, Novak N.V. was awarded with the scholarship of the President of Belarus. All the departments of the faculty are actively engaged in clinical work, along with the usual interventions unique high-tech operations are performed, modern methods of diagnosis and treatment are introduced.


Faculty of Therapy was formed in 1963. The faculty possesses modern material and technical base that allows providing a high level of postgraduate therapeutic training. Clinical bases of the departments of the faculty are leading health institutions of Belarus and Republican Scientific-Practical Centers. Currently, at 12 departments of the Faculty 101 lecturers are employed, among which 21 have a degree of Doctor of Medical Sciences, 65 – PhD.


Every year more than 4000 physicians improve their qualification or are being retrained on the following specialties:

  1. Allergy and Immunology
  2. Gastroenterology
  3. Geriatrics
  4. Dermatology
  5. Dietetics
  6. Cardiology
  7. Clinical Pharmacology
  8. Beauty
  9. Neurology
  10. Neurosurgery
  11. Pathology
  12. Psychiatry and Narcology
  13. Pulmonology
  14. Rheumatology
  15. Reflexology
  16. Therapy
  17. Pulmonology
  18. Functional diagnostics
  19. Endocrinology

Research work at the Faculty is carried on the most important issues for the country, aimed at improving the diagnosis of diseases, development of new approaches to treatment. The results of the research work are successfully implemented in the educational process, and in practical healthcare. The Faculty provides intensive training for scientific and pedagogical staff at doctoral and post-graduate education.
Lecturers of the Departments carry a great amount of medical and advisory work on clinical bases, in health care institutions of Minsk region and the country as a whole.


Establishment of Pediatrics faculty in the structure of BelMAPO was connected with necessity of further improvement of aid for children and juveniles, and with development of expert care in line with modern requirements.

Today the Pediatrics faculty is:

  • An integrated coordination educational-methodological center of retraining and professional development for specialists in pediatrics;
  • Centre of organizational-methodological guidance and treatment-and-consultation aid for children’s population, further improvement of work, development of expert care for children and juveniles;
  • Professional and teaching staff of the Pediatrics faculty of BelMAPO provides teaching and treatment and consultation aid from the position of protection of children’s rights from the moment of conception and over the whole period of life.
  • Modern interpretation of some traditional subjects, the use of Internet and other information technologies have broadened the opportunities of consulting, the development of basic features of diagnosis and treatment of diseases in childhood and adolescence.

In the structure of demographic losses in the country the whole child and maternal mortality is less than 1% and the obvious achievement, including of the departments of pediatrics faculty, is the low infant mortality rate – 3.4, and in Minsk region – 2.9. Scientific direction of the department of pediatrics faculty is the use of modern telecommunications technologies and integrative therapeutic methodologies in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases of children and adolescents.
This issue is the subject of several scientific papers and teaching staff development. Necessary baggage of educational materials for practitioners on various sections of Pediatrics is accumulated. A modern technical training is created: electronic presentation of educational material, schemes of diagnostic algorithms and treatment of diseases of children and adolescents, situational problems. In the departments of the Faculty coverage of some traditional themes has been modernized, and use of the Internet and other electronic innovations expanded opportunities for counseling, diagnostics and treatment of diseases of childhood.
At faculty intensive training for scientific and pedagogical staff is conducted: 2 doctoral candidates, 1 applicant, 21 postgraduate trainees and 128 medical residents (43 – foreign citizens). Research work of faculty stuff is dedicated to the most topical issues of practical public health. Department of obstetrics and gynecology is concerned with the questions of rendering emergency care to the patients of obstetric and gynecologic profile, neck of womb pathologies, female sterility, endoscopic technologies.
Department of pediatrician anesthesiology and resuscitation works on the questions of intensive care and resuscitation of children in critical states. Department of pediatrics neurology is concerned with the study of various aspects of epilepsy, epileptic syndromes and paroxysmal states in children and also pathologies of nervous system in new-born.
Department of neonatology and medical genetics holds research in the sphere of intensive care and resuscitation of new-born in hypoxic states and optimization of genetic consultation and prophylaxis of syndromes of multiple congenital malformations of chromosomal and monogenic causation. Department of pediatrics oncology and hematology is working on optimization of treatment modes for hematologic diseases and solid tumors.
Pediatrics department devised test programs on all the aspects of pediatrics, curricula and training programs for clinical residency. The department gives courses of professional development on adolescent physiology and pathology.
Department of child psychiatry and psychotherapy is working on devising new psychotherapeutic techniques, test methods of treatment of behavioral and emotional disturbances in childhood and adolescence.
Department of psychotherapy and medical psychology develops new psychotherapeutic techniques, express – treatment of behavioral and emotional disorders. Department of pediatrics surgery is actively working on the questions of the up-to-date diagnostics and high-technology treatment of surgical diseases in children.
The main lines of work of the department of outpatients pediatrics are allergology, pulmonology, osteoporosis, cardiology, rehabilitation of children with the main somatic diseases.
Department of pediatrics dentistry is most occupied with optimization of choosing means and techniques for exogenous prophylaxis of periodontal diseases in children, and the questions of early orthodontic treatment of children with cleft lip and palate.
The mains area of scientific research at the department of physiotherapy and balneology is developing scientific bases and new techniques of physical therapy, and original apparatus for physical therapy.
Scientific interests of the Department of children infectious diseases are focused mainly on three directions: improvement of diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of chronic acute viral hepatitis in children; diagnosis and treatment of rotavirus; peculiarities of diagnostics, clinical picture and treatment of HIV in children.
Employees of the Department of Clinical Hematology and Blood Transfusion are conducting research on topical issues of Hematology and Blood Transfusion.


Aleksei Chukanov
Associate Professor, Candidate of Medical Sciences

Faculty of Public Health and Healthcare Management is a structural division, which consists of 11 departments:

  • Department of hygiene and medical ecology Elena Guzik Head of the Department, Candidate of Medical Sciences
  • – Department of clinical laboratory diagnostics Vladimir Kamyshnikov Head of the Department, Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor
  • – Department of radio-diagnostics Anatolij Mihailov Head of the department, Doctor of medical sciences, Laureate of State Prize of the Republic of Belarus, member of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, professor.
  • – Department of medical expertise and rehabilitation Yemelyanov Georgiy Anatolyevich Head of the department, Candidate of Medical Science, associate professor
  • – Department of general practice � BogushLudmilaStepanovna Head of the department, Candidate of Medical Science,
  • – Department of public health and healthcare management Shchaveleva Marina Viktorovna Head of the department, Candidate of Medical Science, associate professor
  • – Department of emergency care and catastrophe medicine Natalya NovikovaHead of the department, associate professor, Candidate of Medical Sciences
  • – Department of sport and exercise medicine Anna Sergeevna Ban Head of the department, Candidate of Medical Sciences,
  • – Department of ultrasound diagnostics Alexander Kushnerov Head of the Department, Professor, Doctor of Medical sciences
  • – Department of economics and accounting in healthcare system Kulpanovich Olga Aleksandrovna Head of the Department, associate professor, Candidate of Medical Sciences
  • – Department of epidemiology and microbiology Kolomiets Natalya Dmitrievna Head of the department, Doctor of Medicine, professor


The staff of the Faculty

Currently, the teaching staff of the faculty consists of 101people, among them – an academician of NAS (Mikhailov A.N.), 13 doctors of medical sciences, 55 PhDs. The percentage of personnel with degree is 67.3% (68 of 101), including: 12.9% -doctors of science (13 of 101), 54.4% – PhD (55 of 101, including 51 MD, PhD. 2 PhD of chemistry, 2 PhD of economics.) Nearly 76% of teachers have qualification categories, among them the proportion of teachers with higher and first qualifying categories is 80.5 and 15.6% respectively, which provides a strong scientific and pedagogical potential. In order to improve the quality of education the leading experts of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus, the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Republic of Belarus, the RSPCs, and others are invited to give lectures.


The main activities of the Faculty are aimed at training of health care managers; specialists of preventive medicine; diagnostic technologies; health economics and health care system; general practice; first medical aid; information technology. It includes the following areas:

  • educational;
  • scientific;
  • treatment and counseling;
  • organizational and methodical;
  • Ideological



Rector professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences


Vice-Rector on academic work Associate Professor, Candidate of Medical Sciences


Vice-Rector on scientific work professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences


Vice-rector for medical work Сandidate of medical sciences


Vice-Rector on administrative work


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